Adam Outler 1e2c77227b
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Updates/AI-Frontend/pipeline/head This commit looks good
Updates/AIDGAF-server/pipeline/head This commit looks good
Update apikey variable, increase token len
2024-11-16 02:47:17 +00:00

50 lines
2.0 KiB

"""this is the settings file for the server. It contains the settings for the server.
import os
from const import UTF8
""" The hostname of the server. """
HOSTNAME: str = os.getenv('HOSTNAME') # localhost or some name
""" The API key for OpenAI"""
APIKEY: str = os.getenv('APIKEY') # secret key from OpenAPI website
if APIKEY is None:
raise Exception("APIKEY Environmental Variable must be set")
""" The port to broadcast the server """
"""The URL to send async requests to"""
ASYNC_URL: str=os.getenv('ASYNC_URL')
""" The method to use for async requests. """
"""8087 or the port you want to run on. pass in with docker -e command."""
SERVERPORT: int = 8087
""" The prompts used for OpenAI. When the server receives a request, it will
randomly select one of these prompts to use."""
"Say \"USERNAME does not give a fuck\" using 4 separate Haikus, and be sure to mention they are haikus before or after.",
"Say \"USERNAME does not give a fuck\" within a 10 line Dr Suess poem." #,
"Tell me a funny, impossible, story about USERNAME. Make USERNAME seem relatable at the end. Make up an outrageous situation where the moral of the story is: \"USERNAME does not give a fuck\" to this very day.",
"Say \"USERNAME is completely apethetic and does not give a fuck\" in a verbose manner, using your most colorful words and one metaphor."
""" The maximum number of tokens to use in a single OpenAI request. """
""" The model to use for OpenAI. """
OPEN_AI_COMPLETION_MODEL = "granite3-dense:2b"
""" The temperature to use for OpenAI. 0-2, 0 is basicall repeating the prompt, 2 is more random. """
""" The hash key for the server. Leave this blank if you don't want to use it. """
HASHKEY = bytes(os.getenv('HASHKEY') or "",UTF8) # shared secret for hmac of message
if (HASHKEY == ""):
""" The maximum age of a message in seconds. Only used if HASHKEY is set."""