"""this is the settings file for the server. It contains the settings for the server. """ import os from const import UTF8 """ The hostname of the server. """ HOSTNAME: str = os.getenv('HOSTNAME') # localhost or some name """ The API key for OpenAI""" APIKEY: str = os.getenv('APIKEY') # secret key from OpenAPI website if APIKEY is None: raise Exception("APIKEY Environmental Variable must be set") """ The port to broadcast the server """ """The URL to send async requests to""" ASYNC_URL: str=os.getenv('ASYNC_URL') """ The method to use for async requests. """ ASYNC_METHOD: str=os.getenv('ASYNC_METHOD') """8087 or the port you want to run on. pass in with docker -e command.""" SERVERPORT: int = 8087 """ The prompts used for OpenAI. When the server receives a request, it will randomly select one of these prompts to use.""" PROMPTS = [ "Say \"USERNAME does not give a fuck\" using 4 separate Haikus, and be sure to mention they are haikus before or after.", "Say \"USERNAME does not give a fuck\" within a 10 line Dr Suess poem." #, "Tell me a funny, impossible, story about USERNAME. Make USERNAME seem relatable at the end. Make up an outrageous situation where the moral of the story is: \"USERNAME does not give a fuck\" to this very day.", "Say \"USERNAME is completely apethetic and does not give a fuck\" in a verbose manner, using your most colorful words and one metaphor." ] """ The maximum number of tokens to use in a single OpenAI request. """ OPEN_AI_MAX_TOKENS = 1000 """ The model to use for OpenAI. """ OPEN_AI_COMPLETION_MODEL = "granite3-dense:2b" """ The temperature to use for OpenAI. 0-2, 0 is basicall repeating the prompt, 2 is more random. """ TEMPERATURE = 0.8 """ The hash key for the server. Leave this blank if you don't want to use it. """ HASHKEY = bytes(os.getenv('HASHKEY') or "",UTF8) # shared secret for hmac of message if (HASHKEY == ""): HASHKEY=None """ The maximum age of a message in seconds. Only used if HASHKEY is set.""" MAX_MESSAGE_AGE = 600