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Benjamin's Piston Family Project

This page is for Benjamin's 5th Grade Family Project.

Piston Parts

Parts were printed using a AnyCubic Mono X 6K Resin 3D printer.

“Crank Mechanical System” by Kazemoto https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4642032


Wiring and diagram by Adam Outler. Assembled by Benjamin Outler and Adam Outler.

Source Code

90% of source code was generated by ChatGPT, with the initial prompt of Benjamin is in 5th grade. He has a class project to create a piston. We want to use python to create a piston demonstration. It would be best to start with tkinter, Eventually we went to use an raspberry pi or something to demonstrate the piston. What do you think?, followed by Please provide some source code which visually represents a piston performing a 4-stoke operation. Source code was generated iteratively via trial & error process with input from Benjamin Outler assisted by family.

Stepper motor Python code Adapted by Adam Outler from https://ben.akrin.com/driving-a-28byj-48-stepper-motor-uln2003-driver-with-a-raspberry-pi/

Video Demonstration

Link to YouTube Video