# Benjamin's Piston Family Project This page is for Benjamin's 5th Grade Family Project. ## Piston Parts ![](img/Picture2.png) ![](img/Picture3.png) Parts were printed using a AnyCubic Mono X 6K Resin 3D printer. “Crank Mechanical System” by Kazemoto [https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4642032](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4642032) ## Electronics ![](img/Picture4.png) Wiring and diagram by Adam Outler. Assembled by Benjamin Outler and Adam Outler. ## Source Code 90% of source code was generated by ChatGPT, with the initial prompt of _Benjamin is in 5th grade. He has a class project to create a piston. We want to use python to create a piston demonstration. It would be best to start with tkinter, Eventually we went to use an raspberry pi or something to demonstrate the piston. What do you think?_, followed by _Please provide some source code which visually represents a piston performing a 4-stoke operation_. Source code was generated iteratively via trial & error process with input from Benjamin Outler assisted by family. Stepper motor Python code Adapted by Adam Outler from [https://ben.akrin.com/driving-a-28byj-48-stepper-motor-uln2003-driver-with-a-raspberry-pi/](https://ben.akrin.com/driving-a-28byj-48-stepper-motor-uln2003-driver-with-a-raspberry-pi/) ## Video Demonstration [![Link to YouTube Video](https://img.youtube.com/vi/fAoLoyZEm_Y/0.jpg)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fAoLoyZEm_Y)